Sunday, July 19, 2009

Immigration Reform: Got a better idea?

In a recent New York Times commentary-New York Times: Still waiting for immigration reform- a clearly one-sided argument is made against the 287(g) program. This was intended to stir up those who disagree with the Bush era in general. By just stating that it is a continuation from the Bush Administration , the author appears to think you should automatically disagree. I think this should be looked at on its merit alone regardless if you liked or disliked where it started.

It was announced recently that President Obama’s Department of Homeland Security would continue and expand this program created under the Bush Administration. Section 287(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act authorizes the secretary of the U. S. Department of Homeland Security to enter into agreements with state and local law enforcement agencies, permitting designated officers to perform immigration law enforcement functions. The officers are trained and must act under the supervision of sworn U. S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers.

In this commentary some valid points are made against the E-verify system. As with most systems that apply to all, some will be unfairly treated. The commentary goes into the flaws in the data base used to verify credentials and validate employee’s right to work. There are many errors in the system and that can create a problem for employees who have valid credentials but are victims of erroneous information. The system has however, been a great tool for stopping those who are not eligible to work in the U. S and who are here illegally.

The author of this editorial also suggests that the 287(g) program should be trashed, not fixed. I disagree. We absolutely need to have a united front with both local and federal officials to combat the illegal immigration problem. There will always be those who will abuse the system , however the majority of law enforcement officers will follow. It is not a perfect system but it has potential and should be “tweaked” in order to improve. Is the alternative to ignore the current situation and wait until something perfect comes along? In the meantime we can continue to have illegal aliens over taxing our health care system as well as other resources. While I am not against immigration--our country is based on it--I am against illegal immigrants because they don’t pay taxes as we have to.

I do agree with the author’s opinion that the government has ignored this situation for far too long and that is the main reason we are in the huge mess today.

You can view the 287(g) program by following the link below.

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