Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Blog stage 8 Comment on Stage 7 Blog

In the blog If You Ask Me the author addresses the recent decision by President Obama to push back immigration reform for another year. While I agree that there is a lot on the table right now the issue of immigration needs to be addressed. I agree with the author that putting this off again could lead to big problems with national security among other huge issues. Illegal aliens are helping drain our resources and there is talk of passing legislation that will let them draw social security. This is wrong on many levels. I am not against immigration but I do believe everyone should have to follow the rules of citizenship and pay their share. The suggestion that President Obama find a way to balance the pressing issues that are on today's agenda is perhaps the only way of getting the problem solved rather than putting it on the side. I share the author's fears of immigration being pushed back over and over and becoming a bigger problem without resolve. Part of the problem with immigration as well as health care is that it has been put to the side for years and not dealt with. These issues have blown up into critical problems and the time to act is now.

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